There is a craze amongst internet users about how to earn money quickly and securely on the internet. In this article I would try to explain in details different ways of earning money on the internet. Since the topic can not be summarized in just one single post, so you would be reading this information in different parts.

In this first part I would like to outline few important thing that you should keep in mind before jumping into any money making process. If you have a little know how of computing then earning money online would be very easy for you but first of all lets talk about some FACTS.

The first fact is that money earned online is not so much that you leave everything else and just sit at home and earn. Its not that simple.

Second thing is that you must set your priorities before sitting in front of computer because most of the time it would prove to be very time consuming and would badly affect your daily routine and most importantly , your studies.

OK now that you have understood that its not something of the first priority and that you would only perform these online earning tasks in your leisure time. I would divide the whole process into three parts.
  1. An online payment account where you could receive your earnings.
  2. Different options about where to earn
  3. How to earn utilizing each option, the tips and tricks.
Lets talk about the first Part about Online Payment account.
If you reside in the united states or any european country this must be no problem for you as you could easily manage to get a paypal account or a credit card as US dollar is the currency in work. On the other hand if you live in some third world country like India , Bangladesh, or Pakistan etc then options are limited for you.
The different earning options that I would be discussing  are those which does not require the pathetic paypal.  You would be good to go if you have an Payza Account.  A foreign currency account, and/or credit card. You would not be requiring paypal so don’t bother.
You can recieve and send money from your Payza account instantly without even verifying it, but you have you verify your account if you recieve or send large amount on money exceeding $2000. For verification they would ask you to either verify by linking your bank account /Credit card to Alertpay or by providing proofs of  your address and identity. for address they require scanned image of any recent utility bill in your name and for Identity they require a scanned copy of your National ID card or driving licence.
Once you have got this sort out  that how you are going to get your money that you earn the second step now is where to earn the money.
In the next article of this series i would be discussing different online earning website in details and would tell you how you can avoid scams and keep your privacy as well as your earnings protected and earn more money with less efforts and time.
Dont forget to like my facebook page if you have read this article and liked it.  i wont make you wait for a long time. i would be publishing the next article in a day or two. Bear with me. I hope by then you would have created a Payza account.


  1. Earn Bitcoins / Money very simple by uploading files, playing games, sharing news links and downloading Ziddu Pay APP :

